Hi, guys! I'm back with a new entry. Today, I would like to share about INSTRUCTIONAL COURSEWARE DESIGN. Basically, ICD is about how we construct and creating a lesson and materials for the students based on its skills and knowledge. ICD is a courseware design that based on the mixes of Behaviourist and Constructivist theory. As you already know, ICD always came out in the form of CD that attached to some of the workbooks and textbooks that used by students nowadays. It sometimes acts as supplementary or additional information for the students when they are lack of information about certain things. Creating materials for a lesson should always consist of the needs of the learner, the objectives that students need to achieve, learning outcomes and so on. It also can be used in CALL where it created a computer software for learning also it can be designed to use the courseware inside and outside of the lesson.
The outcomes of this instructional coursework design are to enable the learners to achieve something at the end of the learning experience by achieving the aim and the objectives that have been stated by the teachers and instructors. So, it is a good software especially for educators to create a very interesting and entertaining lesson using Instructional Courseware Design in order to make students able to focus and attracted to learn more about a lesson.
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