Monday, 10 July 2017


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!!! There's new entry today! I would like to talk about something that is very interesting to me because I just knew about it which is PODCAST. A podcast is actually a type of audio file that can be downloaded to a computer or mobile devices. PODCAST is a term that comes from iPod (Apple Portable Mp3 Player). A podcast is interesting because we can to story that has been created by other people and we can do our own podcast as well by telling and sharing stories, experience and many more. It also can be used for self-study, listening test in class, encourage students to listen to stories and etc. It is good to be used in English Second Language class because it attracts students to listen to interesting stories, tips, lesson and so on. So, for this lesson, I had to make my own podcast by creating or even share some stories as our new assessment for this week lesson. I hope that I can do well and people would happy to listen to my podcast. Stay tuned for my podcast! Coming soon.

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So everyone! Here's my podcast. Hope you enjoy it!

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Today is gonna be the last entry for this semester. First of all, I would like to thank my internet technology lecturer, Mdm. Azidatunnoor ...